The sorption of doxorubicin by hydrogeles obtained through cross-limking of polyacrylic acid with varied quantity (%, mass) of N, N-methylene-bis-acrylamide within pH= 1÷ 10 interval for 24 hours was performed. It revealed that protonation of active functional groups of hydrogel in acidic media (pH≤ 4) impedes electrostatic interaction with identical charges in hydrogel and doxorubicin. A small degree of swelling at low pH of medium also impedes the penetration of molecule of antibiotic into internal pores of hydrogele. Note that pH changes toward alkaline medium, deprotonation and thereby negative charging of hydrogele surface leads to the sorption of positively charged molecule of doxorubicin. As the pH changes to the alkaline, the deprotonation of the hydrogel surface and, on the contrary, the negative loading that causes the easy sorption of positively charged doxorubicin molecule.. On the other hand, the high swelling of hydrogel in alkaline medium also contributes to the increase of sorption level. Also, the nature of chemical interaction between hydrogel and antibiotic was examined by infrared spectroscopy methods, as well as by scanning electron microscopy. It found that the relation between the polymer and the doxorubicin occurs mainly due to hydrogen bond, electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction.