The objective of this chapter is to introduce the reader to a general architectural framework for a broad array of retrievals of multimedia data required by various applications. This framework contains more than the traditional client/server architecture and even more than the existing three-tier architectures. This chapter introduces the reader to many critical issues involved in multimedia retrieval over the Internet. A new architectural framework is proposed to cover a variety of multimedia applications over the Internet and the World Wide Web. This framework has the three main objectives of (1) proposing a layered architecture to facilitated design and separate different issues,(2) covering a large number of multimedia applications, and finally,(3) making use of existing and well-established technology, such as Mobile Agents, SQL databases, and cache managements schemes. The proposed architectural framework separates issues involved in multimedia retrieval into five layers, namely: keyword searching and data servers, proxy servers, domain and department archives, mobile user agents, and the users. Through these five layers, various customized solutions to a large array of problems will be proposed and applied. The chapter offers, but is not limited to, solutions for different problems that arise in retrieval of multimedia data. A list of important open problems is identified at the end of the chapter.