The Mixolab is an instrument that can be used to characterize the rheological behavior of dough subjected to a dual mixing and temperature constraint. Different varieties of wheat (Alex, Dropia, Boema, Azimut, Apache, Josef, Capo and Renesansa), cropped in the East of Romania, were tested on the Mixolab. The changes of the Mixolab curve trend depended on the value of the particle size indexing, falling number and proteine quality. Renesansa variety is characterized by strong water absorption, while Capo and Dropia varieties are strong varieties since they are characterized by a longer development time. Apache variety is characterized by a high C2, giving indications about the good quality of the proteins. Based on C3 varieties Azimut and Apache appear to form strong hard gells, and Capo has a high C5. Taking into account the obtained results we may conclude that Mixolab is a complex device that can be used to characterize the wheat varieties.