This paper aims to explain the increasing awareness of technology security for adolescent privacy which is currently dominated by Gen Z. Technology is part of human innovation that has become a necessity for the industry as an infrastructure in facing the challenges of industry 4.0. As stated in the Sustainable Development Goals, the 17 goals agreed upon by 193 countries at the United Nations. The technology sector is included in the focus of goal number 9, which is about industry, innovation and infrastructure. The rapid use of technology in various countries has not been accompanied by awareness of privacy security. Indonesia is one of the countries that supports the implementation of SDGs in accordance with Perpres No. 59 of 2017. One of the accelerations in achieving the SDGs is the use of information and communication technology. This research was conducted on high school students in Sekayu, South Sumatra. Aims to reveal the level of awareness of adolescents about the threat of data privacy through smartphone technology. Some applications and programs downloaded on smartphone can access personal data on the cellphone. The results showed that awareness of the threat of spreading privacy through smartphones used by Gen-Z adolescents is still low.