Water is one of the most important natural resources. All living organisms on our earth are so intimately connected with water that life on this planet is believed to have evolved in and around water. Similarly water is equally vital for growth of plants, agriculture development and industrial uses. The freshwater body of India includes a large number of rivers, ponds, dams, impoundments and lakes. The reverine system with the constructed dams also presents a different area of aquatic environment. The measurement of the productivity and the energy of any water body needs full assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics of the water bodies besides the aquatic organisms for perpectuality of life. The physicochemical characteristics are altered or molded due to the activities of the aquatic biota particularly the metabolism of the aquatic organisms. Any alteration in the environmental parameters may bring in an undesirable aquatic condition which may lead to the aquatic pollution. Jhansi is a well known district of Bundelkhand region of Uttar pradesh with a geographical area of 502.75 thousand hectare at 240 11’-250 57’N latitude and 780 10’–790 23’E longitudes. The district is situated in the south west corner of the region. Jhansi is located in the plateau of central Indian area dominated by rocky reliefs and minerals underneath the soil. The region relies heavily on monsoon rains for irrigation purposes. Being on a rocky plateau, Jhansi experiences extreme temperatures.