We present Self-Remixing, a novel self-supervised speech separation method, which refines a pre-trained separation model in an unsupervised manner. Self-Remixing consists of a shuffler module and a solver module, and they grow together through separation and remixing processes. Specifically, the shuffler first separates observed mixtures and makes pseudo-mixtures by shuffling and remixing the separated signals. The solver then separates the pseudo-mixtures and remixes the separated signals back to the observed mixtures. The solver is trained using the observed mixtures as supervision, while the shuffler’s weights are updated by taking the moving average with the solver’s, generating the pseudo-mixtures with fewer distortions. Our experiments demonstrate that Self-Remixing gives better performance over existing remixing-based self-supervised methods with the same or less training costs under unsupervised setup. Self-Remixing also outperforms baselines in semi-supervised domain adaptation, showing effectiveness in multiple setups.