How should the international labor regime be reformed in order to guarantee all workers around the world minimum labor standards?'This is the central question we address in this Article. It has been weighed and discussed by social scientists, legal scholars, and philosophers, who analyze it from various economic, political, and legal perspectives. Yet interestingly, the literature in this field has been, by and large, characterized by a sharp disciplinary divide: on the one hand, labor law scholars typically address the issue of international labor standards from a detailed practical perspective, defining the problems in terms of enforcement, efficacy, or other institutional and procedural obstacles to the effective implementation of existing regulations. 2 In their work, they generally neglect an analysis of the normative aspect of the institutions they discuss. On the other hand, the few philosophers and political theorists who focus on a philo-1. By minimum labor standards, we refer to the worldwide consensus elaborated on in the Article, which can include the four core labor rights recognized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in addition to some level of minimum wage and health and safety protection. The ILO four core rights include (1)" freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining";(2)" elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour";(3)" effective abolishment of child labour";(4)" elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation." Int'l Labor Conference, 86th Sess.,