Pada masa pandemi Covid-19 ini merupakan masa sulit bagi banyak perusahaan, sehingga banyak terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja. Tujuan kegiatan Peengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memperkenalkan bentuk investasi untuk masa depan, yaitu investasi saham. Investasi ini bisa memberkan keuntungan melalui pergerakan kenaikan harga saham. Dalam kegiatan ini kami dijelaskan pengertian tentang investasi saham, tujuan investasi saham, resiko dan keuntungan investasi, dan cara memulai menabung saham melalui simulasi platform digital. Secara keseluruhan masyarakat mulai mengerti dan memahami konsep investasi saham secara online. Kata kunci : Investasi, Saham, inflasi, Simpati, Empati, Platform Digital, Ekonomi Kreatif / During the Covid-19 pandemic this was a difficult time for many companies, so there were many layoffs. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to introduce a form of investment for the future, namely stock investment. This investment can provide benefits through the movement of rising stock prices. In this activity, we explained the meaning of stock investing, stock investment objectives, investment risks and returns, and how to start saving stocks through a digital platform simulation. As a whole, people are starting to understand and understand the concept of online stock investing. Keywords: Investment, Stocks, Inflation, Sympathy, Empathy, Digital Platform, Creative Economy.