Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers provide a new experimental platform for investigating the behaviour of complex quantum systems. We show that currently available NISQ devices can be used for versatile quantum simulations of chaotic systems. We introduce a classical-quantum hybrid approach for exploring the dynamics of the chaotic quantum kicked top (QKT) on a quantum computer. The programmability of this approach allows us to experimentally explore a broad range of QKT chaoticity parameter regimes inaccessible to previous studies. Furthermore, the number of gates in our simulation does not increase with the number of kicks, thus making it possible to study the QKT evolution for arbitrary number of kicks without fidelity loss. Using a publicly accessible NISQ computer (IBMQ), we observe periodicities in the evolution of the 2-qubit QKT, as well as signatures of chaos in the time-averaged 2-qubit entanglement. We also demonstrate a connection between entanglement and delocalization in the 2-qubit QKT, confirming theoretical predictions.