The single-event effect sensitivity of inverse-mode biased SiGe HBTs in both bulk and SOI technology platforms are investigated, for the first time, using digital circuits and stand-alone device test structures. Comparisons of heavy-ion broad beam data of shift register circuits constructed with forward-mode and inverse-mode biased SiGe HBTs from a first-generation, complementary SOI SiGe BiCMOS process, reveal an improvement in SEU mitigation for the inverse-mode shift register architecture. Full 3D TCAD simulations highlight the differences in transient current origination between forward and inverse-mode biased devices, illustrating the impact of doping profiles on ion-induced shunt duration. To extend the analysis to a bulk platform, new fourth-generation npn , SiGe HBTs were biased in both the forward and inverse-mode and irradiated at NRL using the two photon absorption measurement system. These measurements support the analysis of transient origination using 3D TCAD simulations. Furthermore, the isolation of the output terminal from the sensitive subcollector-substrate junction is experimentally demonstrated for the inverse-mode bias. Fully coupled mixed-mode simulations predict a significant reduction in sensitive area for inverse-mode shift registers built in a bulk SiGe platform.