This is the first section of a two-part Commentary; the second part, with papers by Maruyama, Peterson, and comments, will be published in the Fall issue of Human Organizatioa Most of the articles included are revisions of papers presented on November 30, 1973, in New Orleans at the symposium" Issues, Dilemmas, and Prospects: The Education of Anthropologists," cosponsored by the CAE and the AAA, and chaired by Carol Talbert. Both this Commentary and the symposium grew out of discussions and correspondence over a period of a year-and-a-half between Sue-Ellen Jacobs, Bela Maday, Bruce Mannheim, Magoroh Maruyama, John Peterson, Barbara Pillsbury, Steven Polgar, Stephen Schensul, Carol Talbert, Sol Tax, and others. This Commentary, furthermore, continues the debate on some of the questions raised by Hessler, New, John, and those who responded to them in the Winter 1972 issue of this journal.