This book delineates a new creation process and provides an understanding of software pattern languages and true domain analysis based on the fundamental concepts of software stability. It also introduces a well-defined paradigm for creating pattern languages, software patterns, and better software development methodology that leads to highly reusable artifacts and high-quality, cost-effective systems. Each chapter of the book concludes with an open research issue, review questions, exercises, and projects. The main goal of this book is to define knowledge maps as the groundwork for an insightful classification of the software patterns governing or administering a particular discipline. Knowledge maps are the enduring mirrors of experience and best practices of what a discipline is, why it is so necessary, and how developers can exploit it. This book addresses various issues related to stable software patterns, knowledge maps, and domain analysis and eventually analyzes different paradigms and factors that result in the creation of stable software systems that are reusable and extremely cost-effective to produce. It is written for use as an advanced textbook for software course developers, students of software development, researchers, and academicians.