Some aspects of the life-history strategy of the clupeid, Pellonula leonensis in Qua Iboe estuary, Nigeria were investigated. Results obtained showed that length-weight relationship was approximately isometric (exponent, b= 3.010), estimated asymptotic total length, L∞= 11.5 cm and growth coefficient, K= 1.5 yr-1; these parameters were used to derive the Von Bertalanffy’s length models; LT= 11.5 (I–e. 1.5 T), the coefficient total mortality, Z= 8.22 yr-1, natural mortality, M= 3.12 yr-1 and fishing mortality, F= 5.10 yr-1. The exploitation ratio (E= 0.62) indicated that this stock of P. leonensis was being overexploited at 12% above its optimum yield level. A protraction of the ongoing exploitation rate could endanger and lead to the collapse of the fishery. Breeding was year-round with minimum and maximum intensities in May and December respectively. Absolute fecundity was 2,286–4,509 eggs (Mean eggs= 3,133). The fish was recruited into the artisanal fishery at size 3.0 cm before attaining sexual maturity. This is an undesirable situation since there is a high risk of depleting the stock of potential spawners. The main life-history traits of P. leonensis (rapid growth, early sexual maturity, high fecundity, year-round breeding, small maximum body size, and high natural mortality) were typical of an γ-selected species. However, P. leonensis exhibited iteroparity rather than semelparity.