Spatial orientation and distribution of reservoir fractures from scattered seismic energy

ME Willis, DR Burns, R Rao, B Minsley, MN Toksöz… - Geophysics, 2006 -
… of the seismic source. We describe our modeling results of vertically fractured reservoirs,
our methods to extract the fracture properties from surface reflection seismic acquisition data, …

Spatial orientation and distribution of reservoir fractures from scattered seismic energy

M Willis, R Rao, D Burns, J Byun… - SEG Technical Program …, 2004 -
fracture properties. Using numerical modeling data we developed a method of analyzing
scattered wave energy from fractured reservoirs… to estimate fracture orientation from azimuthally …

Reservoir fracture characterization from seismic scattered waves

X Fang, MC Fehler, Z Zhu, Y Zheng… - Geophysical Journal …, 2014 -
… subsurface scattering sources that generate scattered seismic waves. In this … fracture
direction through computing the fracture transfer function using surface recorded seismic scattered

Seismic characterization of fractured reservoirs by focusing Gaussian beams

Y Zheng, X Fang, MC Fehler, DR Burns - Geophysics, 2013 -
fractured reservoir that has the ability to resolve spatially dependent information about fracture
spacing, orientation… only for singly scattered waves but also for multiply scattered waves in …

Fracture characterization from scattered energy: A case study

SK Grandi, S Yuh, ME Willis, MN Toksoz - 2006 -
… improve the spatial correlation of scattering index maps. The … used the seismic interpretation
of the top of the reservoir and … structure at the reservoir level with the scattering index result. …

Nature of the scattered seismic response from zones of random clusters of cavities and fractures in a massive rock

VB Leviant, IB Petrov, FB Chelnokov… - Geophysical …, 2007 -
scattered seismic response reveals crucial information about the clusters of inhomogeneities
(fractures/cavities), which may correspond to reservoirs… from the half‐space, the lower 65 m …

Understanding the fracture role on hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution using seismic data: a case study on a carbonate reservoir from Iran

S Karimpouli, H Hassani, A Malehmir… - Journal of Applied …, 2013 - Elsevier
… As it was mentioned, in this study, fractures are investigated by the study of scattered and …
defined three facies using a distribution of these parameters in a 3D space of rock physics …

A robust method for fracture orientation and density detection from seismic scattered energy

X Fang, M Fehler, Z Zhu, T Chen, DR Burns - 2011 -
… Generally, the background matrix response of a reservoir is unknown, but through numerical
study of different models, we find that the average of CDP stacks can be taken as an approx…

Fracture characterization from scattered seismic energy: A case study

S Grandi K, S Yuh, ME Willis… - SEG Technical Program …, 2006 -
Scattering Index method for characterizing a fractured reservoir. Our aim is to identify subsurface
areas of high … Byun, 2004, Spatial orientation and distribution of reservoir fractures from …

Multiscale determination of in situ stress and fracture properties in reservoirs

S Grandi-Karam - 2008 -
… Since spatial resolution of the two methods … fracture properties from the scattered waves,
also known as coda waves, which are generated by fractures comparable in size to the seismic