Many approaches have been proposed over the last two decades for managing the spatial variation of soil and crops. In this chapter we discuss the importance of quantifying and managing spatial variation in crop production fields to implement site-specific crop management. We outline the challenges that soil and crop scientists have addressed since the inception of precision agriculture (PA) in terms of managing soil spatial variation, and the development of simple, stable and inexpensive techniques for quantifying and managing it with tools such as site-specific management zones. This chapter summarizes and cites the work of several scientists who have worked in the area of development and evaluation of site-specific management zones from around the world. Geostatistics is being applied increasingly in PA because of the need for accurate maps on which to base site-specific management. For soil and crop properties that require costly sampling and analysis, there are often insufficient data for geostatistical analyses and this chapter shows how management zones can provide an interim solution to more comprehensive site-specific management. Physical and chemical soil properties have been the most widely used properties for delineating management zones, however, intensive data from remote and proximal sensors are being used increasingly. The case study describes methods of delineating and evaluating management zones.