This chapter presents a statistical analysis concerning the seepage’s influence on river dynamics. This analysis is based on the results of several experiments that were carried out at the open-air laboratory of the Wrocław University of Technology. Additionally, a brief review of previous laboratorial works concerning this topic is presented as part of the introduction of this chapter. The output of the laboratorial studies demonstrates that the artificially induced seepage affects the turbulence dynamics of the open-channel flow. Even though that the magnitude of the groundwater flow was significantly smaller in comparison with the magnitude of the open-channel flow (not bigger than 0.03 % of the experimental shallow flows), seepage affects the instantaneous velocity field and turbulence dynamics of the open-channel flow. It was observable that seepage modifies the shape of the profiles of the time-averaged parameters of turbulence and in many cases; the open channel flows are not following the laws of isotropic turbulence. As a consequence, seepage modifies the interaction between the flowing water along the channel and the sediments from the bottom.