Particle Image Velocimetry and Particle Tracking Velocimetry are well established measurement techniques for the acquisition of velocity fields in transparent fluids. Due to the scalability, these techniques are applicable for micro-and macro-flows as well as for low-and high-speed flows. For macroscopic measurements in air typically liquid fluids are used for the generation of seeding particles. Often fluids such as vegetable oils or DEHS are atomized in Laskin nozzle generators resulting in particles with a mean diameter on the order of 1µm. Similar sized tracer particles are generated using fog generators operated with water-glycol mixtures. In many flows, particles with such a diameter and density show a nearly perfect following behavior. However, if high accelerations occur, the path-lines of the particles deviate from the stream-lines of the flow. This deviation may affect the measurement accuracy and particles can deposit on walls, and thus the optical access might be impaired. In this paper we will analyze the contamination problems occurring in a high-speed cavity flow and we will present solutions that make high-quality PIV/PTV measurements in such flow environments possible.