dengan tujuan menikmati atraksi kebudayaan, misalnya purbakala. Wisata budaya ini
hampir terdapat di seluruh daerah di Indonesia salah satunya Kota Pagar Alam. Kota Pagar
Alam memiliki potensi wisata beragam salah satunya wisata budaya purbakala situs
megalitikum. Peninggalan situs megalitikum di Kota Pagar Alam letaknya menyebar dan
bentuknya sangat beragam berupa arca, dolmen, rumah batu. Keberadaan wisata budaya …
Inequality development causes delays for Praya development. MP3EI, changed conditions
of Urban Praya through the construction of Lombok International Airport (BIL) that is
represented as Regional Activity Center. The development began to grow including the
settlements sector. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of the presence of BIL on
the development of settlements in Praya urban with quantitative descriptive method; through
the identification residential development from the aspects existence of BIL, pattern and …