Malpighian tubules constitute the main excretion organ of insects. Infection by egt− recombinant AcMNPV baculovirus in lepidopteran larvae promotes early degeneration of these structures, which has been correlated with earlier death of the host. However, no trace of viral infection has been detected in that tissue. We constructed two AgMNPV recombinants with the egfp gene under control of the hsp70 promoter, one being egt−, and used another two recombinants (one egt−) containing the lacZ gene. Morphological alterations in the tubules were analyzed by light and electron microscopies. Bioassays were conducted to compare the pathogenicity of recombinants. Results showed progressive presence of marker proteins and tissue degeneration without signals of infection in the tissue. Morphological and bioassay results showed increased pathogenicity for lacZ-containing recombinants compared to the egfp ones; as for egt− viruses, we noted higher intensity and earlier onset of alterations. The absence of infection led us to believe that Malpighian tubules degeneration is provoked initially by the death of tracheal cells attached to the tubules and later, by the death of Malpighian tubule cells themselves. Tubule cell death might be due to oncosis and apoptosis, which may be activated by depletion of energy reserves and by accumulation of marker proteins, respectively. Absence of the egt gene may be leading to a higher energetic expense due to molting, thus aggravating tubule cell death, resulting in faster death of host.