In the West Coast, cashew (Anacardium occidentale L) is generally grown on hillocks, where the top soil is eroded and the availability of moisture and nutrients to cashew are less. The present study was taken up with the objective of developing a viable method for generating the green biomass to enrich nutrient content of the soil in cashew garden. The five treatments selected in this study are growing cashew with four green manure crops namely, sunhemp, sesbania, glyricidia and cover crop (Calapagonium muconoides) and cashew alone. Soil moisture content, major, minor and micronutrients present in the soil, dry matter production of green biomass, microbial population present in the soil, yield and economics of different green manuring treatments are determined. It was found that green manuring with glyricidia in cashew garden increased the soil moisture content and nutrient content. The organic carbon content was the highest (0.98%) in plots with glyricidia followed by sunhemp (0.66%) and the lowest in control (cashew alone-0.50%). Yield of cashew increased significantly when glyricidia was raised as green manure crop (1048 kg/ha in 2006, 2123 kg/ha in 2007) compared to sesbania (925 kg/ha in 2006, 1987 kg/ha in 2007), sunhemp, cover crop (Calapagonium muconoides) and control (845 kg/ha in 2006, 1290 kg/ha in 2007). Maximum profit of Rs.1,21,434/ha was obtained from plots with glyricidia compared to sesbania (Rs.1,18,060/ha), sunhemp (Rs.1,00,699/ha), Calapagonium nuconoides (Rs.81,313/ha) and control (Rs.83,570/ha). In the long run, glyricidia will be the most useful green manure crop for cashew garden.