Modelling the interaction between piled raft and shear wall frame structure has not attracted many researchers in lastdecades. Herein, a 3-D continuum model of piled raft and shear wall frame structure was introduced. That model wasincorporated into developed software in order to study the behaviour of shear wall against earthquakes. The soft soiltype of Port-Said was examined in this study to get practical solutions for soft soil problem in such cases. Differentparametric cases were presented to reflect the effect of the position as well as stiffness of shear walls on deformations,stresses, and moments and drift ratios. Factors were considered of shear wall geometry and stiffness to study thebehaviour of shear walls with piled raft over soft soil. Soil was simulated by elast ic plastic model, while FEM was usedto model piled raft and shear walls. ASTN3 which was developed by the author was used here to analyze different casesand numerical results and conclusions were introduced.