off central Greece (eastern Mediterranean) during July 1998. The spatial distribution of the
main environmental (temperature, salinity, fluorescence) and zooplankton (abundance, dry-
weight, dominant groups) features of the area was delimited over an intense grid of 124
stations. The complex topography of the surveyed area comprised an interesting field for the
study of pelagic–coastal interaction and its influence on the taxonomic composition of …
Mesozooplankton distribution was investigated over an intensive grid of 124 stations in
coastal and pelagic waters of central Greece (eastern Mediterranean) during July 1998. The
complex topography of the area consisted of various semi-enclosed gulfs as well as open-
sea areas and provided excellent fieldwork for determining species assemblages, their
relationships to environmental parameters and the distribution and abundance patterns of
the copepod species. Three coastal and one pelagic group of stations were revealed by …