Lasioderma serricorne (F.)(Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and their relative abundances was
carried out. Sampling was conducted in warehouses dried tobacco leaves in several regions
of Syria (Dir Ali in Damascus rural, Lattakia seaport and Kafaryahmool in Idleb) from 30 May
2010 to 30 July 2011. Larvae of L. serricorne were collected at random from infested dried
tobacco leaves A total of 350 alive L. serricorne larvae were placed individually in cells, e …
ABSTRACT A survey of common parasitoid and predatory species associated with the
cigarette beetle. Lasioderma serricorne (F.)(Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and their relative
abundances was carried out. Sampling was conducted in warehouses dried tobacco leaves
in several regions of Syria (Dir Ali in Damascus rural, Lattakia seaport and Kafaryahmool in
Idleb) from 30 May 2010 to 30 July 2011. Larvae of L. serricorne were collected at random
from infested dried tobacco leaves A total of 350 alive L. serricorne larvae were placed …