Swear words are kind of forbidden words that most of people think it does not allow occur in their conversation. It is because the meaning of swear word itself is bad, offensive and inappropriate. However, some people try to break the rule; they use it in their daily conversation just to show some endearment or indicate a friendship, or just to show their emotion. This kind of conversation often occurs among undergraduate students of Engineering College in Surabaya. That is why the researcher find it interesting to identify the swear words choice that are used by undergraduate students of Engineering College in Surabaya as well as their purposes and categorize them as well as the type of swear word. The researcher used descriptive qualitative approach in order to get the data through observation, recording and questionnaire. The subject of this research is 109 (one hundred and nine) undergraduate students of Engineering College in Surabaya, 44 (forty four) of them are recorded while they were talking and 65 (sixty five) of them were asked to filled out the questionnaire. After collecting the data, the researcher analyze and discuss the findings based on the statement problem of this research there are classifying, categorizing and describing the swear word that undergraduate students of Engineering used in their daily conversation. The result of this research indicates that although many students came from outside Surabaya, the swear words which is more frequently they used is the term of sex such as “cuk” and “Jancuk”. It shows that the students have been affected by their surroundings or their environments. On the other hand, the swear word that they rarely used in their conversation is excretion term such as “nahjong”, it is Jakarta’s swear word that is why few of them does not know and does not use this word. Now swearing has become habitual in their social life, most of them use swear words just to express some humor or display closeness in friendship rather than to insult or to show their emotion. Key words: Swear words, taboo