We release the first tool suite implementing MOXI (Model eXchange Interlingua), an intermediate language for symbolic model checking designed to be an international research-community standard and developed by a widespread collaboration under a National Science Foundation CISE Community Research Infrastructure initiative. Although we focus here on hardware verification, the MOXI language is useful for software model checking and verification of infinitestate systems in general. MOXI builds on elements of SMT-LIB 2; it is easy to add new theories and operators. Our contributions include:(1) introducing the first tool suite of automated translators into and out of the new model-checking intermediate language;(2) composing an initial example benchmark set enabling the model-checking research community to build future translations;(3) compiling details for utilizing, extending, and improving upon our tool suite, including usage characteristics and initial performance data. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that compiling SMV-language models through MOXI to perform symbolic model checking with the tools from the last Hardware Model Checking Competition performs competitively with model checking directly via NUXMV.