Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) especially in TVET circles appears to be critical to transform the typical teacher-centred classroom by encouraging a curriculum that is driven by problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and requires students to actively engage a situation to find its solution. Hence, this research aims to investigate the effect of integrating STEM education through STEM module (Inspirational Module, Reactivity of Metals, Adruino, Gas Around Us, Ninja. The sample who was from School A involved in the experimental group consisted of 20 form 3 subjects (mentees) and 20 subjects (mentors) for Control group. The research instruments used are questionnaire and has high reliability of. 67,. 78 and. 68. The mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used to analyse the pretest and post-test data. Interview and observation were also used to analyse the treatment effectiveness. The results of the study were the comparison of soft skills before and after undertaking the STEM module treatment was different at significant 0.05.(1) Overall soft skills were higher (post-test data) than before the STEM treatment module. 2) The mean of interest in Science subject, Mathematics subject and perception towards STEM of experimental group increased, The comparison of interest in Science subject, interest in Mathematics subject and perception towards STEM before and after undertaking STEM module was different at significant 0.05.