As the World turns into a “Global Village”, learning a foreign language has become an important need to people to communicate with people of other cultures. To meet this need, there are various ways such as taking the language class, visiting the country, the Internet and so on. By the development of Web 2.0, the internet had the property of interactivity which is enabled by social networking. It is known that interaction is one of the characteristics of ideal language learning environments.(Lomicka & G. Lord, 2009). This characteristic of language learning atmosphere looks like an intersection of the language learning and social media networking. The aim of this study is to examine the use of web 2.0&new media and social networking web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Skype in the development of writing, listening, reading and speaking skills. Also, the importance of these social media tools to students in enhancing learning a foreign language by the property of interactivity. During the study methodologically it is used a survey to the university students.