Analysing large data sets for various purposes is a growing requirement for many professions. Tactile charts are suitable to enable people with visual impairment and blindness performing data analysis tasks. However, only a few approaches focus on the development of tactile charts for data analysis purposes. Concepts are needed to represent a sufficient amount of data with tactile charts and address arising challenges, such as information overload. In this paper, we first discuss and analyse the scalability of data represented by tactile charts using tactile scatterplots. We further address the data size limitations and present methods to identify critical, tactile representation with limited readability respecting the analysis task. Moreover, we propose methods to increase the amount of data represented in tactile scatterplots. We further introduce tactile heatmaps as an innovative and new concept for haptic data representation that utilises different elevation levels. We evaluated our design concept as well as the feasibility of varying elevation levels with 11 blind and visually impaired people. We compared four design conditions for embossed tactile heatmaps as well as the suitability of 3D-printed heatmaps. The results show that tactile heatmaps are suitable for representing more data than previously known tactile representation methods. They support obtaining an overview of a high amount of data and can be applied for data analysis purposes.