Tanggapan Etika Kristen terhadap Terorisme

A Pasang - HARVESTER: Jurnal Teologi Dan …, 2019 - e-journal.sttharvestsemarang.ac.id
HARVESTER: Jurnal Teologi Dan Kepemimpinan Kristen, 2019e-journal.sttharvestsemarang.ac.id
The problems that occur in various cities in Indonesia are not only caused by public
dissatisfaction with the economic, political, social, cultural and so on, because often the
problems spread to most sensitive problems to SARA (ethnic, religious, racial and
intergroup). If the problems arise only because of economic problems it certainly will not
have an impact on the burning of churches or acts of anarchist actions that discredit certain
ethnic or religious groups that lead to the crime of terror or terrorism. The article is a literature …
The problems that occur in various cities in Indonesia are not only caused by public dissatisfaction with the economic, political, social, cultural and so on, because often the problems spread to most sensitive problems to SARA (ethnic, religious, racial and intergroup). If the problems arise only because of economic problems it certainly will not have an impact on the burning of churches or acts of anarchist actions that discredit certain ethnic or religious groups that lead to the crime of terror or terrorism. The article is a literature review using reference books that contain a discussion about terror and terrorism in the Christian ethical perspective by applying descriptive methods. The conclusion is that the church and believers need to be aware of and increase their social sensitivity and concern about the problems that surround them that it is part of the Christian faith.
Abstrak: Persoalan-persoalan yang terjadi di berbagai kota di Indonesia ternyata bukan saja disebabkan oleh ketidakpuasan masyarakat terhadap soal ekonomi, sosial, politik, budaya dan sebagainya, karena seringkali persoalan itu justru merembet ke masalah yang paling sensitif yakni SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras dan Antar Golongan). Artikel ini merupakan kajian literatur atau kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan buku-buku referensi yang memuat bahasan mengenai teror, teroris dan terorisme dalam pandangan etika Kristen dengan menerapkan metode deskriptif. Kesimpulannya, Gereja dan orang percaya perlu menyadari dan meningkatkan kepekaan dan kepedulian sosialnya akan masalah-masalah yang ada di sekitarnya, bahwa masalah adalah bagian dari iman Kristen. Itu sebabnya gereja perlu mengadakan seminar yang membahas teror, teroris dan terorisme secara utuh sehingga jemaat memiliki pemahaman yang benar mengenai hal ini. Demikian halnya dalam khotbah dan pembinaan jemaat mau tidak mau menyinggung masalah-masalah teroris secara terbuka. Di samping itu perlu bersikap bijaksana dalam menyikapi masalah terorisme.
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