There is a need to develop and field-test integrated remediation technologies for cost-effective treatment of contaminated sites to achieve riskbased and rational endpoints. Aggressive technologies designed for rapid source-zone remediation must be linked to technologies for achieving enhanced clean up of the dissolved plume. Remediation technology integration should minimize the cost of achieving risk-based endpoints by selecting treat ment trains or technology combinations that, when coupled together, work in a synergistic manner. Contaminant flux across a control plane immediately downgradient from the source, rather than contaminant concentration, should be used as the basis for evaluating the effectiveness or success of remediation. The acceptable threshold contaminant flux should be set equal to, or less than, the natural attenuation capacity within the dissolved plume. Simulation results show that significant contaminant-flux reductions can be achieved by partial removal of contaminant mass from DNAPL source zones.