The analysis of telomere repeat distribution in chromosomes of five opisthorchid species (Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884), Opisthorchis viverrini (Poirier, 1886), Metorchis xanthosomus (Creplin, 1846), Metorchis bilis (Braun, 1890), Clonorchis sinensis (Cobbold, 1875)) was performed with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of labeled (TTAGGG)n DNA-probe and PNA telomere probe on mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of these species. It was shown that chromosome telomeres of all studied species contain large clusters of (TTAGGG)n telomeric repeats. Interstitial clusters of the (TTAGGG)n repeats have not been revealed in the chromosomes of any studied species even when FISH of PNA telomere probe on pachytene chromosomes was performed. Furthermore interstitial clusters of the (TTAGGG)n repeats have not been detected in the chromosomes of O. viverrini, one of chromosomes of this species is the result of a fusion of two ancestral opisthorchid chromosomes.