Background Indonesian adolescent girls out of 23 million people aged 15-24 years, 83% have had sexual intercourse, which means that adolescents have the opportunity to experience STDs, which is one of the causes of vaginal discharge. About 90% of women in Indonesia have the potential to experience vaginal discharge because Indonesia is an area with a tropical climate, so fungi are easy to grow which results in many cases of vaginal discharge. Symptoms of vaginal discharge are also experienced by unmarried women or young women aged 15-24 years, which is around 31.8%. SMK Bumi Nusantara Wonosobo Tanggamus obtained data from interviews with 15 students at SMK Bumi Nusantara Wonosobo Tanggamus, 10 students said they had vaginal discharge with thick white characteristics, odorless and not itchy and 5 other students said they had vaginal discharge with white characteristics. cloudy, smelly, and itchy.