The image refers to the elements in the makeup of man which enable the fulfillment of his destiny.... The image itself is that set of qualities that are required for these relationships and this function to take place. They are those qualities of God which, if reflected in man, make worship, personal interaction, and work possible.... Man qua man has a nature that includes the whole of what constitutes personality or selfhood: intelligence, will, emotions. This is the image in which man was created, enabling him to have the divinely intended relationship to God and to fellow man, and texercise dominion. 7 The implications of being made in God’s image for contextualization are manifold. For example, all humans are built to reflect God in all that we are. Being created in God's image, vertical communication is not only possible, it is vitally necessary for us as human beings. All of us have an in-built need and desire to connect to the One we image. Thus, we exhibit not only physical needs but “soulish” ones as well. Appropriate contextualization will recognize and respond to this need found in all people. Another implication of being in God's image is that despite the only if it is well-grounded in the prior level of human universals. The third level of culture reflects the fact that each member of a particular culture chooses what elements of the culture to accept and what to reject and has varying skills in applying those elements (a sort of “cultural competency” which may parallel “linguistic competency.”) This is the level of individual idiosyncrasy. While our diagram shows only three levels, certainly many further subdivisions are possible. These may be national, linguistic, or racial. Within a culture, further divisions may be made among groupings of extended families or clans, which in turn may be divided into nuclear elements before reaching the individual level. How ever many levels are shown, the fact that all draw from a pool of human universals is not changed.