With labyrinth weirs, the effective crest length can be increased and more water can be discharged than conventional weirs. Labyrinth weirs play a major role in flood control without damaging the hydraulic structures such as dam, check dam. For this reason, more studies are needed on the labyrinth side weirs in hydraulic engineering. The aim of this study; is to examine the values that the equilibrium scour depth will reach around the labyrinth side weir placed in an open channel. The minimization of the equilibrium scour depth is very important to ensure that the hydraulic structure in question is not destroyed. As it is known, the scour depths formed in the labyrinth side weir flow are less than the conventional side weirs. In this study, a series of experiments were performed by changing the dimensions of the bed material. The experiments were conducted for different discharges. Accordingly, the equilibrium scour depth change around the labyrinth side weir at the end of 9 hours was investigated. As a result; It was determined that the equilibrium scour depth was increased with increasing flow intensity, and the equilibrium scour depth was decreased by increasing the median grain size of the bed material.