A topical issue regarding the field of justice is the discrepancy between the role of the judiciary, to protect citizens' personal and national interest, to fulfill a true mission, and the way the judiciary as a public service is perceived. Starting from this reality the study tries to answer the challenge of identifying how the leadership can generate change, becoming a core component of good public governance. Emphasizing the peculiarities of management and leadership in justice, the study argues the role of judiciary managers, who, as a special category of public managers, have the difficult task of leading the courts promoting successful methods and techniques of the private sector, but also obeying the limitations and requirements imposed by law and judicial organization features. In this context, the performance of organizations and the change of the judiciary based on quality criteria is decisively linked on how the heads of the courts will assume the leading role and how making use of their own example will motivate and inspire subordinates, being also the most important agents of change.