The Late Devensian (< 22,000 BP) Irish Sea Basin: the sedimentary record of a collapsed ice sheet margin

N Eyles, AM McCabe - Quaternary Science Reviews, 1989 - Elsevier
the south of the maximum limit of grounded ice in the basin (eg North Devon, Scilly
Islands, Southern Ireland). The age of these distal sediments, previously mapped as pre-Devensian

The Late Devensian flora and vegetation of Britain

W Pennington - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal …, 1977 -
… great volume of Late-glacial plant records (from both … ) now lodged in the Data Bank of the
Cambridge Botany School. … division of the Late-glacial (Late Devensian) deposits of the British …

The late Devensian vegetation of Ireland

WA Watts - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal …, 1977 -
The vegetation of the Late Devensian period in Ireland is reviewed. New investiga tions at
the warmest phase of the Late Devensian. The reason for absence of birch woodland in late-…

The late Devensian periglaciation of upland Scotland

CK Ballantyne - Quaternary Science Reviews, 1984 - Elsevier
… fans also developed at the base of mountain slopes. The distribution of Late Devensian
periglacial features on Scottish mountains is locally controlled by topography, the response of …

The Late Devensian and Flandrian vegetational history of Crose Mere, Shropshire

PW Beales - New Phytologist, 1980 - JSTOR
… 1), in an area characterized by boulder-clay moraine, thethe Late Devensian glacial
maximum along the Wolverhampton-Bridgenorth line. Analysis of the glacial deposits indicate the

The extension of the late Weichselian/late Devensian ice sheets in the North Sea basin

J Ehlers, R Wingfield - Journal of Quaternary Science, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
… widespread absence of Weichselian/Devensian till in the area under consideration may be
attributed to later … Our conclusion is therefore that the incisions of generation 3 are also Late

The Devensian (Weichselian) Lateglacial palaeoenvironmental record from Gransmoor, East Yorkshire, England: a contribution to the 'North Atlantic seaboard …

MJC Walker, GR Coope, JJ Lowe - Quaternary Science Reviews, 1993 - Elsevier
… In view of the record of extensive Late Devensian glacial activity in the vicinity of the site,
it is difficult to envisage a situation in which the warmth-loving species could have been …

Chronology, climate and marine record. The Devensian Stage: its development, limits and substages

FW Shotton - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal …, 1977 -
… It lies between the Late Devensian which includes the manifesta tions of British
glacierization, and the Early Devensian with broadly corresponds to the ‘ Early Wiirm’ of Europe. …

[PDF][PDF] The last glacial stage (the Devensian) in Northwest England

C Delaney - North West Geography, 2003 -
… changing sediments and landforms indicate a change in ice dynamics and in the impact of
sea-level changes as deglaciation progress during the Late Devensian. On the lowlands of …

A chronostratigraphic comparison of Late‐Weichselian and LateDevensian subdivisions, illustrated by two radiocarbon‐dated profiles from western Britain

W Pennington - Boreas, 1975 - Wiley Online Library
… serious problems in the cori-elation of Late-Weichsclian and Late-Devensian suhdivis,ionr …
to compai-e the Latc-Devcns western Britain with the Late-Wcichselian subdivisions of Mangei…