Organizations face numerous challenges and obstacles in today’s world due to the rapid progress of technology and knowledge. Employee turn- over negatively impacts an organization's productivity, team and employee morale, as well as raising the cost of hiring and training new employees, resulting in project delays and decreased productivity over- all. This study aims to investigate how workforce diversity affects employee turnover intentions in the Palestinian banking indus try. Additionally, the study seeks to determine if corporate culture mediates the relationship between employee turnover in tentions and workforce diversity. To accomplish this, the researcher used three variables: turnover intention as the dependent variable, organizational culture as the moderator var iable, and workforce diversity as the independent variable. The study included six banks in Palestine, namely Arab Islamic bank, Palestinian Islamic bank, Al-safa bank, the national bank, al-Quds bank, and the Palestinian investment bank. The population of this study comprises all employees, regardless of gender, and includes 2537 participants. The researchers distributed 350 questionnaires to employees working in the banks listed in the Palestinian exchange, which represent the sample of this study. Data were analyzed through the PLS-SEM software package, in line with the objectives and questions of this study. The findings indicate that the me diation variable, organizational culture, has a significant impact on the relationship between workforce diversity and em ployee turnover intention in the banking sector in Palestine.