In die postmodern era, the fundamental foundations of the human soul swayed. In accordance with this, in scientific approaches, there is a complex and controversial process of reassessment of die axiological orientations of modem man. Despite die painful collisions of this process, in the conditions of postmodernity, a person of a creative warehouse gets an unprecedented freedom so far, based on the constructive basis of spirituality, dianks to which a person acquires the ability to distance himself from society and independendy critically comprehend all aspects and spheres of his life. The intensification of die search for die meaning of life on an individual-personal level is a characteristic sign of die development of society not only in die West, but also in societies widi die preservation of traditional specifics. The effectiveness of die search for die meaning of life in die real world is direcdy dependent on die development by people of the new islands of freedom, life forms and directions of creativity, corresponding to die realities of die break of millennia. The purpose of die article is to identify die main problems of modern society, such as: globalization challenges, problems of attitude to the world, die environmental perception of the world in particular, and the problems of educating spirituality as a spiritual attitude to the world and to a holistic personality.