Political transitions in Myanmar have been accompanied by wide-ranging sectoral reforms over the last decade, including at times contentious reforms of the state education sector through the Comprehensive Education Sector Review (CESR), the National Education Law (NEL), and the subsequent National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) 2016–2021. These substantial reforms across all areas of education have necessitated a significant renegotiation of the roles of state teachers within the education sector and within society more broadly, moving away from authoritarian expectations towards more inclusive pedagogies and more equitable teacher training and management. The reforms have therefore constructed a renewed image of who a teacher is expected to be within Myanmar society. However, while the effect of these reforms is just beginning to be evident within classrooms and teacher education institutions, the education system has been thrown into turmoil first by COVID-19 and subsequently the military coup of February 2021. These recent crises indicate how precarious reforms within the education sector can be and also point to the central roles that teachers and teacher education play in navigating political turbulence and transforming education systems. They have also challenged the discourses of teaching as a profession, with new narratives and identities emerging. Drawing attention to this shift in the relationship between teachers, students, communities, and the state, in this chapter we explore the role of teachers and teacher education in responding to these challenges.