Dissatisfaction or the presence of problems in the current macro-conditions in countries and the impossibility to resolve the problems through existing mechanisms are the most important drivers for applying policy transfer concepts. erefore, by utilizing a variety of strategies such as Copying, emulation, Hybridization/synthesis, and inspiration, policy-makers have attempted to transfer the policies. specifically, this has been carried out by implementing lessons learned from other countries (benefitting from validated effective aftermaths) into the country in various ways, and improving the status quo underlying their own functional area. Given the multifaceted nature of ethics of science and the presence of different decision-making institutions, it has become very attractive to many interest groups to intervene in policy-making. Although policy transfer in ethics of science fails to achieve pre-designed benefits, it can at least provide a framework to promote scientific ethics, its relevant processes, and stakeholders with a clear endpoint protected from islanding. As such, the current study, through applying a qualitative research technique and conceptualization of Grounded eory, aims to design a policy transfer model of ethics. To this end, eight experts in the field of scientific ethics familiar with the policies of ethics of science were employed. Following the three-stage coding process, all the causal, underlying, and intervening conditions as well as mechanisms and consequences of the policy transfer