The development of communication and information technology is growing rapidly from conventional to internet which can be accessed via Android mobile phones. Gadget tends to be in demand by all groups of people: from children, teenagers, to parents. The use of Android mobile phones is dominated mainly by teenagers. The character of teenagers tends to have the desire to try new things, emotions that are unstable, and difficulties in resisting their desires. Therefore, teenagers tend to choose technology-based games in everyday life: Android phone. This writing aimed to represent the value of empathy in traditional Javanese games as a formation of social care among urban teenagers. Qualitative descriptive method was applied with analysis unit of urban teenagers and sampling techniques with purposive sampling. Data collection technique was conducted with in-depth interviews, data validity with source triangulation, and qualitative descriptive data analysis. The theory used was behavior theory based on response stimulus. Research findings revealed that excessive use of gadget can diminish the value of empathy and shape the character of teenagers who tend to be individual. One of alternatives to overcome this problem is that the application of traditional games is carried out in groups, conducted voluntarily, and affordable. Traditional games such as cublak-cublak suweng, engklek, and gobak sodor are proven to contain social values including empathy, honesty, cooperation, and sharing. These values automatically shape social awareness behavior. The examples of social caring behavior in the family include" respecting parents"," helping friends learn" at school," being donors to disaster victims" in the community and the nation," becoming volunteers” in the preparation for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This social care behavior serves to maintain family harmony, improve the intelligence of the youth of nation, maintain harmony in community life, and maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.