This study departs from the fact that the partial empowerment model of farmers has failed to improve the welfare of farmers. Therefore we need a comprehensive farmer empowerment model that integrates several partial empowerment models using Islamic economic principles. The intended integral empowerment model includes; empowerment in the area of capital access (financial institutions), the field of crop marketing (market access), and the field of capacity building (assistance and training). The purpose of this study is to design a comprehensive model of farmer economic empowerment, which integrates a model of capital assistance (natural capital), assistance, and marketing of agricultural products with zakat, infaq, alms and waqf as its main capital as well as implementing shari'a principles in its operations. This paper tries to develop a model of farmer economic empowerment with the Research and Depelovment (R & D) method. It starts by studying much literature and then arranges the desired model. A comprehensive, integrative and shari'a empowerment model is expected to improve the welfare of farmers.