Offers the personal interpretations of authors as participant‐observerstogether with a data‐based analysis of the evolution of the servicesmarketing literature. Bibliographic analysis of more than 1,000 Englishlanguage, general services marketing publications, spanning fourdecades, provides an additional resource. Using an evolutionarymetaphor as the framework, traces the literature through three stages:Crawling Out (1953‐79): Scurrying About (1980‐85); and Walking Erect(1986‐present). Shows how the literature has evolved from the earlyservices‐marketing‐is‐different debate to the maturation of specifictopics (e.g. service quality, service encounters) and the legitimizationof the services marketing literature by major journals. Presents aclassification and summary of publications and authors. Closes withdiscussion and speculation on the future of the services marketingliterature.