New alternative fuels are needed to reduce the fossil fuels. Biodiesel from palm oil is one alternative fuel to replace fossil fuel. This is because Indonesia is the largest producer of palm oil in the world. There are several analyzes that the use of palm oil causes a significant decrease in the viscosity of lubricating oil. A research is carried out to evaluate the effect of B30 biodiesel from palm oil on the degradation of diesel engine lubricating oil. The method used is experiment with testing diesel engines endurance referring to the standards of the Engine Manufacture Association (EMA) to determine differences in lubrication degradation. As a result, B30 biodiesel from palm oil causes greater degradation in lubricating oil than using Dexlite diesel fuel. Biodiesel B30 causes lubricating oil to decrease its viscosity by 46.98%, increase the viscosity index by 7.84%, increase in the flash point, increase in the pour point some 3 C and decrease in the base number by 4.62% and 3.6026% less water content.