To evaluate the effect of Kombucha and Kombucha with vitamin E-selenium 0.1% on blood metabolites, performance and morphology of some of the organs, of 140 baby broiler chicks’ strain Ross 308 of male and female ones were applied for 42 days in 7 treatments and 4 replications, each replication including 5 chicks. Dietaries were equal in all treatments and the difference was about water and Kombucha and Kombucha with vitamin E-selenium s 0.1%. Finally, the performance showed that the increase of body weight in 1-7 and 8-14 day-age was significantly under the influence of experimental treatments. According to the results during 1-7 day-age and 22-28 day-age, there was significant effect on the feed and the best conversion ratio was in 29-35 day-age and there was significant difference (P< 0.05). From morphological aspects there was significant difference between Bursa offabrisious weight and gizzard in various periods. Morphology of Proventriculus, crypt depth (micron), and goblet cells was significantly different and there was no significant difference aboutvillus height (micron) and Epithelium thickness (micron)(P> 0.05). there was no significant difference in blood metabolites of liver enzymes concentration and antibody titers against SRBC antigens but antibody titer against Newcastle antigens tested during 21, 25 day-age showed no significant difference (P< 0.05).