This paper deals with the influence of different RANS turbulence models on the numerical modelling of a 3D rectangular symmetrical wing in ground effect. Travelling near a solid surface, so-called ground effect, considerably alters the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing. This paper aims to investigate the performance of the widely used eddy viscosity turbulence models while predicting the changing aerodynamic behavior due to the ground effect. Three different RANS turbulence models, realizable , SST and Spalart-Allmaras models are taken into consideration. The effectiveness of the turbulence models were tasted in comparison with the experimental data in different angles of attack and ground heights. Results reveals that, the effect of the turbulence models on the numerical accuracy of the ground effect aerodynamics calculations are related to the altitude and the angle of attack. The choice of the turbulence model becomes important when the wing travels in very close proximity to the ground and the angle of attack is low or negative. The discrepancy of the calculated results mainly comes from the pressure distribution variations on the lower side of the wing. For high angles of attack, or relatively larger ground heights, the difference between the predictions of the turbulence models become negligible.