science and technology governance demanding a 'social fix'for innovation, which we argue
amounts to a new spirit of technoscience. Inspired by Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello's
analysis of the development of a 'new spirit of capitalism'from late twentieth century, we
observe the rise of a new governance rationality in technoscientific innovation which places
society, its needs, and desires at the center of scientific and technological development. This …
This article situates Responsible Innovation (RI) as part of a largershift in science and
technology governance demanding a'socialfix'for innovation, which we argue amounts to a
new spirit oftechnoscience. Inspired by Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello'sanalysis of the
development of a'new spirit of capitalism'fromlate twentieth century, we observe the rise of a
new governancerationality in technoscientific innovation which places society, itsneeds, and
desires at the center of scientific and technologicaldevelopment. This shift has significant …