nuclear complex and its neuronal components. The oculomotor nuclear complex was
examined in fixed and serially sectioned midbrains from 12 adult subjects free from
neurological diseases. The complex included the somatic portion,(formed by multipolar
motor neurons), and the parasympathetic portion,(formed by oval or fusiform preganglionic
cells), on each side of the median raphe. The somatic portion consisted of the lateral somatic …
The oculomotor nuclear complex was examined in 12 serially sectioned midbrains. The
complex comprised the somatic portion (formed by the multipolar motor neurons), and the
parasympathetic portion (formed by the oval or fusiform preganglionic cells) on each side of
the midbrain's raphe. The somatic portion consisted of the lateral somatic cell column and
the caudal central nucleus. The somatic column measured from 0.2 x 0.1 mm to 3.4 x 1.4 mm
(mean= 2.4 x 1.2 mm) in transverse sections. It was divided into the principal, intrafascicular …