The work on the performance of maize (Zea mays) in soil contaminated with POMEW in South, South Central Nigeria was conducted between 1st March, 2009 and 31st May, 2009 at Ozoro to examine the impact of POME on soil properties as well as maize's performance. Plot of land measuring 25 m2 subdivided into 5 sub plots was mapped out within POME contaminated and non POME contaminated soils in the same site for the study. Western yellow seeds of maize were planted at each treatment at spacing distance of 50 cm × 50 cm between and within rows. The performance parameter measured were germination rate (%), height (m) leaf area (cm2) tasselling rate (%) and yield. It was observed that soil in POME contaminated site had better/stabilized structure, higher organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and exchangeable base content than noncontaminated soil. More so, the performance of maize in terms of germination rate, height, leaf area, tasselling rate and yield was significantly better in POME contaminated soil. It was therefore recommended that POME should be used as soil amendment materials for the growth of maize. However further researches on the dosage of POME to be used for per hectare, period of application prior to planting as well as mode of application should be looked into.