With the significant increase in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom (Baskin & Williams, 2006) and the recent explicit mention of ICT proficiency in the National Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL, 2011), there is a need to incorporate and model ICT use and integration into teaching and learning within pre-service teacher education programs. This paper reports on final year pre-service teachers’ perceptions and the major influencing factors on their preparedness to integrate ICT into the classroom. Data was obtained through semi structured interviews and through an online survey that was conducted as part of the National Teaching Teachers for the Future project. The online survey was open to all pre-service teachers and consisted of a series of likert scale responses that were based around the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). Interviews with six pre-service teachers from a Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary and Primary) were examined and a number of key themes were identified. The survey data and the interviews indicated that the pre-service teachers had varying levels of prior experience which directly affected their integration of ICT into the classroom. Perceived confidence and school-based placements emerged as key influencing factors, with a positive experience in the placement being dependant on the technological pedagogical ability of the mentor teacher. Overall the pre-service teachers expressed that there were aspects of their teacher education courses that could be further developed to support their ICT integration in the classroom.